While Covid-19 has wreaked havoc in the country, it has also changed the ways weddings are organized.
Most of the weddings have been postponed to a later date with a hope of grand wedding. But elders are aware of the fact that this pandemic is going to stay for a longer time, so they have scaled back their functions or prefer arranging it at home as they see it as a blessing in disguise.
Event Management Companies
Covid-19 has severely affected wedding planners, florists and photographers because their livelihoods depend on weddings. But they’ve have found a workaround, and arranged for smaller functions at homes.
The event management companies which were busy in scheduling their dates for customers also suffered a setback due to the onset of Corona. They’ve to manage their advance payments. Few rescheduled it to a later dates but an element of uncertainty was quite high owing to strict lockdown.
With government’s approval to reopen the marriage halls, wedding planners are once again all set to go but with proper SOPs. However, it’s difficult to completely follow measures as hardly anyone observe social distancing in weddings.
Recently, I’ve attended a wedding in Lahore where hall management has installed a sanitizing gate for the guests so you get a spray of sanitized water while passing through. The ladies were really cautious about their clothes and hair while strolling through the gate. However, only clothes were sanitized, not the virus inside the body, if it’s there.

Wedding Expenses
The expenditures on clothes and makeup are almost the same as before Covid-19; and the same goes for décor and photography, however a little bit decline can be attributed to the small number of guests and fewer events.
Trouble makers
Few guests always create disturbance in every wedding. So, for a time being, we can evade those trouble makers by not inviting them, and shift the entire blame on Corona.
However, if they’re closed relatives, then you cannot get away from their nagging and poking. So, try to increase your patience level, take a long breath and attend the wedding.
The Takeaway
Corona is, indeed, a deadly virus yet it gives people a new perspective on life, a moment to ponder upon the exorbitant expenditures on unnecessary functions. And the only silver lining of Covid-19 is the reduced wedding expenses.
Will we change our ways of spending on weddings? This question often comes into our minds now-a-days.
What I can say is that we’re the most intelligent specie on Earth. We’ve always find out ways and will continue to do so in future. No matter what happens, weddings will continue to take place, whether big fat or small, and we’ll find new ways of making our main event of life possible.